1. Download sql server management studio express and instale it.
link is :
search keyword from google.com
free download sql server management studio express
2. Steps to connect the database
Supply these detailes in connect window
a. Server type : database engine
b. Server name : Sqlplesk5.securehostdns.com,1533
c. Authentication :SQL server authentication
d. login : username of your database (create database user from your control panel)
e. Password : type your password (create database password from your control panel)
Please create database name , database user and password from your control panel.
How to create Database
1. Login into your Plesk control panel.
2. Click on 'Websites & Domains'.
3. Click on 'Databases'.
4. Click on 'Add New Database'.
5. Put database name.
6. Select database type. (Mysql/MSSQL)
7. Select databsae version.(Mysql5, MSSQL2005, MSSQL2008)
8. Click on OK.
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