1. Open up your favorite web browser2. In the address bar type Under...
HOW DO I CHANGE MY MX RECORD?1. Log into your cPanel and click the "MX entry" icon under the Mail section.2. ...
HOW DO I CHANGE THE PASSWORD FOR AN EMAIL ADDRESS?1. Log into your cPanel and click "Email Accounts" under the Mail section.2. The bottom of the...
HOW DO I CHANGE THE QUOTA OF AN EMAIL ADDRESS?1. From cPanel click the "Email Accounts" icon under the Mail section.2. Click "Change Quota"...
HOW DO I CREATE AN AUTO RESPONDER?1. Log into cPanel and click the "Auto Responders" icon under the Mail section.2. Click the "Add...
HOW DO I CREATE AN E-MAIL FORWARDER?1. Log into cPanel and click the "Forwarders" icon under the Mail section.2. On the next page you...
HOW DO I DELETE AN EMAIL ADDRESS?1. Log into your cPanel and click on the "Email Accounts" icon under the Mail section.2. Find the...
HOW MANY E-MAILS CAN I SEND?You are allowed to send out 300 e-mails per hour per hosting account.Note: This is not per...
I AM GETTING A MESSAGE THAT MY MAILBOX IS FULL?Go into your Junk/Bulk/Spam Folder and empty it out. Those folders tend to fill up quickly when...
I CAN NOT SEND E-MAIL!Try changing your outgoing SMPT port to 26 instead of 25 and that should fix the issue. A...
I CAN'T SEND EMAIL TO YAHOO, GMAIL, HOTMAIL, ETC.This is most likely means you are blacklisted. Please submit a ticket to our technical support...
SOMEONE IS USING MY EMAIL (DOMAIN) TO SEND SPAM!This is called "collateral spam" This is someone faking your email address in a mail application...
WHAT DO YOU DO ABOUT MY EMAIL ACCOUNT’S SECURITY?We have set up SPF records for all the domains hosted on our servers, so other remote mail...
WHAT IS A DEFAULT E-MAIL ADDRESS?A default address is an e-mail address that is setup to catch any incoming e-mail to your server...
WHY ARE MY EMAILS TO YAHOO ARE BEING DELAYED?This is caused by a new spam fighting feature with Yahoo Mail called Grey Listing. For more...
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